About Red Wasp Design

Red Wasp Design at the PM Studio (Photo by Mel)

Red Wasp Design makes games. We make the sort of games we want to play and we hope you do too. We are a small games development studio based in Bristol, UK. We’re also an independent studio owned by nobody else but us. We’re investing our own time, energy and money into our game which means we get to make games how we think they should be made. Our hive is composed of a core of games industry experienced developers and brings other talented people into projects as they need the input. We’re developing for a number of platforms from mobile to console; wherever there is scope to make good games, we’re interested.

Social Insects
To stay in touch with our indie game development progress, news and happenings;

Want to know a bit more about us and how we make games?  Here’s where we’ve chatted with people about it all.. 

Past Gameography
Here’s a few of the games we’ve worked on in the past, before founding Red Wasp Design (in various roles…):

To speak to us, contact tomas.rawlings at tomas dot rawlings at redwaspdesign dot com – we’ll do our best to respond to all email as soon as we can, but as we’re an indie developer, we’re a small company so apologies if there is a delay.

Privacy Policy
If you email us, we might invite you to join our mailing list or email you about our projects. However that’s it. We’ll never pass your details to anyone beyond Red Wasp without your permission. We hate getting spam too.  There is more information here.

Comments Policy
Our posts on the the site are open to comment; indeed, we’re really keen on getting your feedback and we promise to read and consider all comments. However we will remove comments and users who are abusive, trolling or try to sting us or our fellow site users. So, disagreeing is fine, but we ask you to do so in a respectful manner. Or we’ll sting you.

Thanks, The Red Wasp Hive Mind.