Android Update for Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land

Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land info pageLots of you have emailed, tweeted and messaged us asking about both the PC and Android versions of the game.  News will be forthcoming on both.  However just to keep you in the loop we’ve posted a video of a test version of the Android game running on an Acer A500:

About Tomas

Studio Director at Auroch Digital. Writing and blogging things that surprise, entertain and interest me...
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8 Responses to Android Update for Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land

  1. Grimpen says:

    Yes! I even have an A500 myself! The stars are almost right…

  2. Barrie Clark says:

    Just the thing my new Asus tablet needs. Some Lovecraftian goodness. Hope this game rises (like R’lyeh) in the Android app store soon. You make a fellow Bristolian very proud.

  3. B.R. says:

    How long until this drops on the android market? I got a Samsung the other day and the propect of a genuine Lovecraft game has me salivating from all of my tentacles at once.

  4. B.R. says:

    So ah… has “soon” arrived yet? I just watched the official trailer on Lovecraft eZine and am now hungry for zombie souls. Is it just British soldiers available for play? Because Germans were pretty bad-ass in WWI, and since these were pre-Nazi days, you could play as them without guilt.

  5. B.R. says:

    Okay, scratch that last, apparently you don’t get the Germans. Is it ready yet? What is the projected date of release for Android?

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